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· 三门峡职业技术学院国际学生招生简章 2019/01/03 
· 中国传统文化二十四节气之夏至 Summer Solstice of the 24 Solar Terms in Traditional Chinese Culture 2024/06/21 
· 中国传统文化二十四节气之芒种 Grain in Ear of the 24 Solar Terms in Traditional Chinese Culture 2024/06/05 
· 中国传统文化二十四节气之小满 Grain Buds of the 24 Solar Terms in Traditional Chinese Culture 2024/05/20 
· 中国传统文化二十四节气之立夏 The Beginning of Summer of the 24 Solar Terms in Traditional Chinese Culture 2024/05/05 

· 中国传统文化二十四节气之谷雨 Grain Rain of the 24 Solar Terms in Traditional Chinese Culture 2024/04/19 
· 中国传统文化二十四节气之清明 Clear and Bright of the 24 Solar Terms in Traditional Chinese Culture 2024/04/04 
· 中国传统文化二十四节气之春分 Spring Equinox of the 24 Solar Terms in Traditional Chinese Culture 2024/03/20 
· 中国传统文化二十四节气之惊蛰 Awakening of Insects of the 24 Solar Terms in Traditional Chinese Culture 2024/03/05 
· 中国传统文化二十四节气之雨水 Rain Water of the 24 Solar Terms in Traditional Chinese Culture 2024/02/19 

· 中国传统文化二十四节气之立春 The Beginning of Spring in the 24 Solar Terms of Traditional Chinese Culture 2024/02/04 
· 中国传统文化二十四节气之大寒 Major Cold of the 24 Solar Terms of Traditional Chinese Culture 2024/01/20 
· 中国传统文化二十四节气之小寒 Minor Cold of the 24 Solar Terms of Traditional Chinese Culture 2024/01/06 
· 中国传统文化二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms of Traditional Chinese Culture 2024/01/04 
· 中国传统文化二十四节气之大雪 Heavy Snow of the 24 Solar Terms in Traditional Chinese Culture 2023/12/07 

· 中国传统文化二十四节气之小雪 Light Snow of the 24 Solar Terms in Traditional Chinese Culture 2023/11/22 
· 中国传统文化二十四节气之立冬 Start of Winter of the 24 Solar Terms in Traditional Chinese Culture 2023/11/08 
· 中国传统文化二十四节气之霜降 Hoar-Frost Falls of the 24 Solar Terms in Traditional Chinese Culture 2023/10/23 
· 中国传统文化二十四节气之寒露 Cold Dew of the 24 Solar Terms in Traditional Chinese Culture 2023/10/08 
· 中国传统文化二十四节气之秋分 The Autumnal Equinox of the 24 Solar Terms in Traditional Chinese Culture 2023/09/23 

· 中国传统文化二十四节气之白露 White Dew of the 24 Solar Terms in Traditional Chinese Culture 2023/09/07 
· 中国传统文化二十四节气之处暑 End of Heat of the 24 Solar Terms in Traditional Chinese Culture 2023/08/23 
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